Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cocktail Recipe

Ingredients :
1 jigger (30ml) whisky (Scotch, Bourbon, Canadian)

4-6 jiggers (102ml - 180ml) Ginger-ale
3 ice cubes

Glssware : Hi-Ball 9 oz

Garnish : Nil

Method : Mix all ingredients into Hi-Ball glass and stir gently

Scotch Mist
Ingredients :
1 jigger (30ml) Scotch

2 strips lemon peel

Glassware : Old Fashioned 10 1/2oz

Garnish : 2 strips of lemon peel

Method : Place the whisky in an Old Fashioned glass and twist the strips of lemon peel over the glass, revealing the oil. Drop them in and dd the shaved ice