Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween Vs. Duween...

Pengertian Halloween mengikut definisi orang putih???

"Halloween, or Hallowe’en, is an international holiday celebrated on October 31. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting haunted attractions, carving jack-o'-lanterns, reading scary stories and watching horror movies. Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Japan, New Zealand, United Kingdom and occasionally in parts of Australia. In Sweden the All Saints' official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November"

Terus terang aku katakan.... belum pernah aku join sambut halloween... Tgk dalam tv selalu la... Manusia2 berpakaian jadi ahli sihir la, jadi hantu la, jadi tengkorak la.... pendek kata manusia berangan2 jadi hantu... Pada hakikatnya.... RAMAI MANUSIA TAKUT DENGAN HANTU, TAPI BERANI LA KONON2 NAK JADI HANTU...

Sebab2 Aku Tak Pernah Sambut Halloween???

Perangai aku dah memang macam hantu pun... tak payah tunggu 31st October... Everyday is my halloween day...
Aku tak da masa nak bagi orang chocolate and candies.... aku akan makan semua dulu sebelum sempat diberikan kepada orang lain...

Baju hantu tak da yang sesuai dengan aku.... Ada ka baju hantu corak2 batik...???

Aku mau jadi hantu apa??? hmmm???
Kalo aku jadi ahli sihir, aku tak suka pakai jubah dan penyapu... aku lebih suka jadi macam crita The Charmed One guna t-shirt dan vacuum cleaner
Aku tak ada tanam labu kuning.... kalau ada pun, buah nya nenek aku sudah masak sup.. sup entekai la katakan
Aku tak biasa ketuk pintu rumah orang waktu malam minta candies, aku biasa ketuk meja dan ... " Zul... stout 5 botol"... atau "Zul... lagu biasa!!!"

Muka aku tak sesuai guna make-up untuk jadi hantu... make-up macam mana pun... aku tetap macho dan hensem... hantu mana da hensem.. JAWAP!!!

Hantu orang putih tak menakutkan... ahli sihirnya ketinggalan zaman, orang sekarang guna Boeing dan AirBus... dia orang guna penyapu... hmmm...

Yang paling tak masuk akal, kalo nak jadi hantu pun, jadi la betol2, ni tidak, manusia2 yang berangan jadi hantu sekarang, sempat layan SMS, MMS, 3G atau angkat HP.... Eloooo.... hantu dan ahli sihir tak guna semua tu, k... dia orang guna crystal ball atau telepati...

Yang sebenarnya... aku tak pernah berkesempatan pun join benda tu semua... wuarghhhh... Tahun ni pulak kena pergi KCH coz ada exam.... wuarggghhhhh... Kecewa la ini... terjun bangunan la ini nanti, biar aku jadi hantu... aku buat halloween tiap2 malam kat rumah kau orang.... Baru kau orang tau.... nak sangat jumpa hantu... pergi la ke KEMUNTING...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hubungan Yang Retak.. Sorry D... I have to do this

Dear D,

So sorry dear beloved one by the time you read this posting, our relation mungkin sudah tergendala... I need a break.... may be seminggu dua... let me be alone without you.... PLSSSSSS.
Not because i am not loving you....

I really have to make this decision... Bukan kerana kerana hal kerja... bukan kerana hal apa... i really need a break... Mungkin ini patut.... Dah lama aku pendamkan ini.... you are so jealous... tak mahu aku berkawan dengan kawan2 ku...

Remember this... they are just my friend... Stevie, B Sebuyau.. Miss J... Reno..Thomas... WHY R U SO JEALOUS??? salah ka aku kluar with my friend. Salah kah aku kuar minum dgn mereka??? Salah kah aku minum CHIVAS... Ni kluar minum Cola with them pun you tak suruh.... I really dont understand what you want from me...

I've told you many timessssssss ( mau letak berapa banyak S untuk puaskan hati kau?) they are my friend my friend my friend.... Kan dah berapa kali cakap you are my everything.... but you buat2 tak paham.... susah la macam ni...

You kan kenal semua my friends and even my family.... kan dah berapa kali you pergi rumah i.... meeting my family.... my parents and my brothers and sister.... You didn't come during my mother passed away pun aku tak kesah... because i really know you cannot make it coz it is not a right time for you... I admit.... mmg my friends are drunken masters.... but they are all professionals... lawyers, accountant, lecturer.... semua ada.... and you must remember that... my profession needs me to mix around with a lot of peoples regardless who and what they are...


HAL2 yang ko orang perlu tahu pasal my Relation with "D"

Aku telah mengenali lama D....

Terus terang aku katakan.... aku sangat2 mencintai D

Terus terang aku katakan aku sangat menyayanyi D

Aku sanggup berhabis duit kerana D...

D baik, cantik dan di minati semua orang...

D anggun tapi boleh meluka kan...

D lembut dan menggoda... Orang akan mudah tergoda bila memandang D

D seksi


Kuat cemburu

Tidak suka anda bergaul dengan orang...

D doesnt like my friend

D doesnt like when i go out with my friend

D boleh menyebabkan kita DEMAM

D boleh menyebabkan kita PANAS

D boleh menyebabkan kita Flu....

itu lah yang aku hadapi saat2 ini, yang mana aku memerlukan kesihatan badan untuk menduduki exam...

D... leave me alone until i finish my exam.... k, sayang....

Then we see, kalau2 boleh disambung lagi.... then we proceed...


Lovessss you

Biarkan memori ini menjadi kenangan, kita pernah bersama...

TAUKE to be....

akai dai.... kenyang amat baru pulai makai enggau bala antus antus...

Rasa nerveous pulak.... stress pun ada.... perlu study for my final MBA paper - Economics for Managers.. final exam is on the 3rd... alamak... stress ... stress... stresssssss.....

At the same time rasa excited pun ada.... My father and myself dah many times discussing about business... finally we decided to invest dalam "pemilikan".... hahaha.... nak beli 3 storey shop-office di parkcity phase 5... cost nya pulak.... alamak....hmmm... but it is a good investment anyway...

Now i have to think on what business to open.... better for me to utilise every level.... kalau tidak pun at least 2 tingkat....

Dalam planning memang dah ada.... Ground Floor fikir nak buat kedai makan... 1st floor nak buat stokist Revell and on the 2nd floor fikir nak buat tuisyen.... Apa2 pun.... still depending on capital... kalo budget cukup... memang boleh jalan especially tuisyen dan kedai makan...

Anyway.... still need to study dulu la.... buat planning.... jangan tergesa2.... iboh segaut... kata orang Sarawak... or... kalau ada cadangan nak buat apa boleh la bagi tau...

please.... i need your opinion... suggestions sangat2 di perlukan waktu ni...

Fishing?? Reading?? or...

Never Argue with a Woman
One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap.. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.
Along comes a Game Warden in his boat.
He pulls up alongside the woman and says, 'Good morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?'
'Reading a book,' she replies, (thinking, 'Isn't that obvious?')
'You're in a Restricted Fishing Area,' he informs her.
'I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading'.
'Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up.'
'For reading a book?' She replies.
'You're in a Restricted Fishing Area,' he informs her again.
'I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading.'
'Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up.'
'If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault,' says the woman.
'But I haven't even touched you,' says the game warden.
'That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment.'
'Have a nice day ma'am,' and he left.
MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pusat Karaoke ...Panggau Fantasi...

Tok meh endor bala lanun2 beganjoh... Nama penuh endor nya... panggau fantasi... ala2 akademi fantasia la katakan...

Pemayoh endor karaoke endor aku bejalai, semina endor tok ajak ti ngambuan sound system ti manah.... Aku sigi "cerewet" enggau bunyi.... pemayoh ai enda aku kiruh, pemayoh lagu pun ukai nyadi ka penanggur, tang enti sound system enda power... sigi jarang enggai aku ka ngelawa endor nya.... enda puas... Dah nama musician... mesti la aku cerewet pasal bunyi

Last night sperti biasa... aku enggau kaban lawyer kia.... kami 2 ajak pen nyadi ngeregau dunya...
Pulai enda gak tentu laun... tapi last night was okay.... enda mabuk, tapi enjoy... Nama utai ka manah ba endor tok.... Beside the sound system... crowds yang happening contribute to the environment.... Ba endor nya, tama nadai ngelala orang, tang enti dah berpoco2 tauka disco.... semua orang join sekali nadai ngira sapa... semua nya jadi kawan... hahahah

Enti bisi peluang tauga nguji lepak endor tokk... bisi gak endor karaoke bukai... tang aba aku.... i still prefer to go to this place...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Taman Tumbina Bintulu

Taman Tumbina Bintulu bukan la sesuatu yang asing bagi penduduk di Bintulu... dan sebenarnya pun dikenali oleh pelancong2 yang datang ke Bintulu sebagai sebuah destinasi perlancongan yang "menarik"...

Menarik??? Yes LAST TIME... sekarang terus terang aku katakan bukan MENARIK tetapi MENOLAK.... So kesian dengan keadaan tempat itu.... It suppose to be an enjoyable trip.... tetapi petang tadi i was there with my friends together with Miss J's mom from Sibu.... keadaan menjadi sebalik nya.... For me... boleh la "menarik" tapi kebanyakkan perasaan adalah "kasihan"...

Kasihan??? Kenape??? sedih bukan melihat binatang tu dalam sangkar... (sebab memang binatang memang dalam sangkar, kalau di zoo... tak kan nak lepaskan harimau keluar, kot???) tapi sedih melihat keadaan taman tu yang macam tak berpenghuni...

Terus terang katakan... memang ada yang melawat taman tersebut... tapi tak ramai... Adakah kurang promosi oleh pihak pengurusan ATAU semua rakyat Bintulu sudah bosan melihat binatang ATAU tempat tu tak menarik langsung...

Jawapan kepada persoalaan itu adalah "YA" untuk kesemua pertanyaan...

Tempat tersebut dijaga.... Rapi.... memang rapi... tapi kenapa sunyi.... Keadaan bersih... rumput pun dipotong kemas... tapi apa masalah nya sehingga tempat yang sepatutnya riuh rendah itu sunyi....

Terus terang kata kan, tempat itu memang bersih.... PERSOALANNYA.. bersih di jaga ATAU bersih sebab kurang pelawat....

Bangunan kantin nya kosong.... tutup... dan yang ada ikan2 dibawah nya. Tutup sebab tak ada potensi business kot... sebab kurang pelawat... I don't know why laa..... My suggestion to the MANAGEMENT.... may be... baik mansuh kan entrance fee dan buat tempat itu tempat free untuk dilawati.... Memang fees tak mahal.... Harga mee sepinggan lebih mahal... Tapi sekiranya jika tempat itu boleh dilawati percuma... mungkin akan membuka orang ramai untuk berkunjung... terutamanya untuk melakukan aktiviti senaman... contoh... jogging...

Bagaimana untuk dapat kan duit??? Sewakan tempat disana kepada peniaga2... atau pihak pengurusan sendiri yang berniaga.. Orang yang letih bersukan, mahu tak mahu memang akan beli minuman juga... kerana ini berlaku di tempat jualan makanan di Tanjong Batu....

Satu lagi... tingkatkan aktiviti di Taman tersebut... Aktiviti yang melibatkan riadah keluarga.... BDA selalu menganjurkan aktiviti di tempat lain.... Apa salahnya melakukan aktiviti seperti merentas desa, mencari harta karun atau permainan2 yang melibat kan muda mudi di taman tersebut.... Mungkin alasan yang akan di berikan adalah.... TIDAK BOLEH SUPAYA TIDAK MENGGANGGU BINATANG-BINATANG DISANA...

Itu betul dan memang akan mengganggu sekiranya dilakukan aktiviti yang bising seperti konsert.... tetapi hakikat nya binatang pun seperti manusia... mereka ingin berteman dan mereka pun suka juga sekiranya di lawati oleh manusia....

Satu tempat yang amat2 menyentuh perasaan.... TAMAN RAMA2--- Dari maklumat yang diperolehi... kebanyakkan rama2 telah lepas kerana sangkar rumah tempat rama2 ditempatkan pecah dan baru mendapat budget untuk diperbaiki....

Binatang lain macam mana pula???? ALAHAI..... kalau binatang disana pandai berkata2 dan boleh pergi klinik... banyak yang masuk hospital minta MC dengan doktor pasal selalu gastrik..........

Apa telah jadi??? Sehingga tak ada duit untuk membaik pulih tempat itu??? I was thinking... patut la tak ada pengunjung.... sebab tak ada apa untuk dilihat... I still remember last time.... few years back la.... di tengah2 pulau ada sepasang orang utan.... dan di kolam depan tidak jauh dari entrance ada sekawan flamingo.... bukan senang nak lihat flamingo.... tapi flamingo ada di Bintulu (masa itu la) tapi sekarang.... kolam kosong yang telah di tumbuhi rumput sahaja...

NI NAK SERU SIKIT RAKYAT BINTULU YANG SUKA PERGI MELANCONG.... lawat2 la TAMAN TUMBINA KITA.... jangan tak tahu... MOTTO taman tersebut adalah... TAMAN SEUMPAMANYA YANG PERTAMA DI SARAWAK... Jangan sampat nanti pelancong luar akan terfikir semua taman yang ada di Sarawak yang sepatutnya di penuhi oleh flora dan fauna kosong seperti TAMAN ini...

Ibu ibu... Bapak bapak.... adik adik, abang abang, kakak kakak ... sekali sekala datang la ke Taman Tumbina...

Kalau nak tgk gambar.... click flick'r k.... sini buat posting jer... hehehehe

Thursday, October 16, 2008


oOOOOOoooooooOOOOoo hhhaaaaaa.....

puas ngiga ngiga utai ka nadai dalam internet, udah nya ka ngiga utai ka di kunsi dalam blog, tepansa ka siko kaban.... aki-tuai....

dalam nya mayoh utai (anang irau, enda kena pansa utai enti tama kia) .... mayoh kaban bukai......

Peda meh enti enda pecaya...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cholesterol. The Truth....

Cholesterol. The truth.

Cholesterol is one of the most maligned substances in history (with the possible exception of plutonium, which didn't ask to be made into bombs!
What is abundantly clear, though, to those who are willing to look with anything more than a fleeting glance at official statistics is that cholesterol is not the "axis of evil" it has been made out to be my the medical, and more importantly, the hydrogenated oil establishment.Cholesterol is a naturally-occurring fat which is fundamentally required for good health. It is the precursor to both the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone oestrogen, which cannot be made without it. In addition, it performs other vital functions in the body, but more of that later.Contrary to popular belief, in most people, the levels of cholesterol found in the blood have little or nothing to do with fats consumed in the diet. Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver in the amounts required by the body to perform its various functions. It therefore follows that either reducing the amount of fat in the diet or taking pills to reduce cholesterol is absolutely pointless.The main reason cited for the desirability of reducing blood cholesterol is the massive increase in ischemic heart disease (IHD) seen during the 20th century. IHD, the main consequence of which is angina and myocardial infarction (MI) was virtually unknown at the beginning of the 1900s. In fact, one well-known Doctor who practised for many years from the mid-1920's is quoted as saying that he didn't see a single case of MI for the first 7 years of his practice.Subsequent examination of those who died of MI showed that their arteries had been "clogged up" with fatty deposits that were high in cholesterol. The connection between cholesterol and IHD was made and that was that. Ever since, Doctors have been trying to invent ways to reduce blood cholesterol levels, but have not stopped to consider why they were elevated in the first place! If they had, they might have been surprised. In order to explain, we need to examine the physiology of blood vessels, particularly arteries.

Construction of arteries
Arteries are the large, elastic blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart, both to the lungs (deoxygenated blood) and to the rest of the body (oxygenated blood). They are composed of three layers, whose names are not relevant to this discussion, but which, in varying degree are made up of various structural components, the most important of which is collagen - a soft, pliable, elastic substance, which allows the artery to stretch and contract under the control of muscle systems.Like all other cells in the body, the artery cells are constantly under attack from free radicals and other cell-damaging forces and are in a continual state or replacement and repair. As a consequence, they need a constant supply of new collagen to replace the damaged cells, so as not to "spring a leak". Collagen is, itself, constructed of a number of components, not least Vitamin C.When there is insufficient Vitamin C in the body, new collagen cannot be formed to repair the damaged artery cells. this causes a problem for the body, which does not plan for future problems, but is only interested is surviving the "here and now". It therefore has to find something else to repair the damage and uses what could be referred to as the body's "band-aid", namely cholesterol. Molecules of cholesterol actually bind to the damaged sites, preventing blood loss and its disastrous consequences.ischemic Heart DiseaseAs time goes on, this process repeats itself (in the absence of Vitamin C) and gradually the arteries become clogged with cholesterol "bandages", restricting the blood flow until something blocks the remaining space , causing ischemia (lack of blood flow) and infarction (cell-death due to oxygen "starvation").Hence cholesterol is a sign of a problem, not the cause of the problem - and the problem is vitamin C, or, more specifically, lack of it! this led the only man who has ever won two Nobel prizes, scientist Dr Linus Pauling to suggest that heart disease was in fact chronic scurvy and could be treated with vitamin C. Pauling was ridiculed by the medical establishment, which clung to it's shoddy science and did nothing to test his hypothesis. Incidentally, the symptoms of acute scurvy (that is a total lack of vitamin C) are.....leaky blood vessels, leading to massive hemorrhage!Others were not so ignorant.

Treatment of IHDPauling and his colleague, Dr Matthias Rath, spent many years examining this situation. They found that the problem of IHD (and high cholesterol) was one that was specific to a very small group of mammals, man included, and the one thing that these animals had in common, which differed from ALL other animals was that they could not make their own vitamin C. EVERY single other animal in the whole planet makes its own vitamin C in the liver. Man and the other few animals which suffer from IHD do not!The result is known as chelation therapy - the only known method of reversing IHD, and one that is almost totally ignored by modern medicine in favour of drugs which do nothing but control the symptoms of the problem.Others have suggested that, if the problem is a chronic lack of vitamin C, perhaps ischemic heart disease can be prevented by increasing vitamin C consumption. The only practical method of doing this is by supplementation, and adherents take anything from 3g (3,000mg) to 12g (12,000mg) of Vitamin C per day - hundreds of times the "recommended daily allowance" used by most Governments of 90mg/day..The answer of the medical establishment was somewhat different. they decided the best thing to be would be to invent cholesterol-lowering drugs to reduce the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood. According to the physiology above, this will have disastrous effects, as the body will not be able to perform its normal healing processes. Scientific studies are now showing that cholesterol-lowering drugs have serious long-term effects which bear out this hypothesis.What should you do if you have "high-cholesterol"The decision is yours.Ask your Doctor about chelation therapy or "Pauling therapy". Bear in mind that during his 7 years training, it is likely your physician has had no more than 1 or maybe 2 HOURS of training on nutrition is it any wonder w are so reliant on pharmaceuticals?For a medical view on the dangers of cholesterol-lowering drugs, visit Dr Mercola's website.If you plan to increase your vitamin C intake, inform your Doctor and make sure you read the section on Vitamins to ensure you know which minerals and trace elements are necessary to absorb vitamin C.

Monday, October 13, 2008

An Evening with Miss J.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mr. T dengan aksinya...

Sony DSLR - A200

Alamak.... lamakan aku dah tulis sesuatu dalam blog...

yesterday on 11th October la.... i bought Sony DSLR-A200 camera.... Harap2 kali ni hasil nya lebih baik dari yang diambil oleh kamera ku yang lama.... Nikon.... (pic dari Nikon ni pun cantik jugak... atau mmg aku yang pandai ambik... hahaha)

Minat memang ada dalam bidang ni.... selama ni... pic yang korang tengok tu, aku ambik guna camera Nikon aku.... Cameranya ringkas dan user-friendly. Hasilnya pun memuaskan....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Solution for your problems...

You say: 'It's impossible'
God says: All things are possible
(Luke 18:27)

You say: 'I'm too tired'
God says: I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: 'Nobody really loves me'
God says: I love you
(John 3:1 6 & John 3:34 )

You say: 'I can't go on'
God says: My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: 'I can't figure things out'
God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5- 6)

You say: 'I can't do it'
God says: You can do all things
(Philippians 4:13)

You say: 'I'm not able'
God says: I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: 'It's not worth it'
God says: It will be worth it
(Roman 8:28 )

You say: 'I can't forgive myself'
God says: I Forgive you
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: 'I can't manage'
God says: I will supply all your needs
(Philippians 4:19)

You say: 'I'm afraid'
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
(II Timothy 1:7)

You say: 'I'm always worried and frustrated'
God says: Cast all your cares on ME
(I Peter 5:7)

You say: 'I'm not smart enough'
God says: I give you wisdom
(I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: 'I feel all alone'
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5)